
the incident

The past 4 days have been like a roller-coaster for me. one minute, i was ready to go work, in the hospital. the next minute, i am lying in the bed of hospital with my leg couldn't move let alone walk.

all because, i bend down to take my shoes, and when i get up, i felt the muscle couldn't support my whole body. and as i grab my friend for aupport, i cried, panic because i couldn't walk. they carry me into a room, let me rest, inject me painkillers. but the pain just wouldn't go, so i need to be admitted. i cried more. the pain,the agony,the panic..all come at once. my groupmates, they all help me through it. from getting me admitted and to calm me down,everything.

it was like a dream when i was admitted. a dream i wish, i could wake up from. but my dear friends, future doctors, they are the best. they are like a family here,when my own is far away. they give me hope, they give me laughter and they give me support. O mighty Allah, You Blessed me with my surroundings that keeps me going and be strong.

even with so many thoughts in my head right now,i still couldn't stop wondering, how one small act can cause me to injured myself.but i am redha. redha dengan segala ketentuan dariNya.

to all my friends, who have been there, and you know who you are, you will be a great doctor to humankind. the people are very lucky to have u guys as their doctor.:)


Babbies :)

it really need an inspiration to write a blog. i really don't understand people can write so many stories in the blog between short interval of time. i was not inspired the past few days, because too many things happen which i think is not worth telling here. its a happy blog. And i am going to fill it with happy stories.

i've been doing medicine for 5 years now, and people always thought i will take my specialty in gynaecology & obstetric. i always told them that though and my reason will be because the birth process itself. then, i was in conflict to take peadiatric, because i thought since i love kids and can relate with them, i'll be good at it.

now, i really found my passion. and i am not thinking of the reason. i'm feeling it. my passion is babies. this past weeks, i've seen so many c-section. and several times, i will be in awe when the baby comes out. i praised to Allah, for making such creature so perfect. SubhanAllah.

i am so drawn to the little creature that Allah make so perfectly. Grey skin turns into pink, the eyes that close, waiting for the perfect moment to open and the cry, announcing to the world of their existence. everything is so beautiful.

why do i love babbies so much?

its like being alive for the first time and everything is still pure & untouched with so much to explore. the purity. the honesty and the innocence.

this passion is going to be my drive to push myself and be better. Achieving my way to be near to Allah and see His miracle everyday.

i would like to have my own babbies in my arms one day. be a great mother just like my mother.


my first post in 2010

Today,is the day that i decide,to go out in the world, experience life as i know it.

why i name my blog as drama queen..it does sound cheesy.but it is me.in my mind, i can play a lot of scenes and it can goes on, from how the beginning is and the end. to me, each drama played in my head is the same as there is in this real life. good thing happen to good people, true love exist and happily ever after also exist. that is why i call life is a stage. people play their role and part to other human being. that is what so artistic about human. they do not realise that at time, they are being observed, remembered and influenced others.

for myself, i share a lot of drama myself. from family to friends and love drama. it gets tiring..but i realised, it make my life more colourful than ever. when i start writting this blog, my ex-boyfriend was my inspiration. as u can read from my past post, it is all about him. it only showed how he influence me in my life where people who are not close will never understand. when he leave, he takes away almost everything that is good and strong within me. but now, i decide, he is in the past, and i want to move forward.

i have so much love around me. now, my inspiration is love. all the love that Allah give to me each day. how can one not see that? He is closer to you than any human is. i am never alone as long as this iman is inside me. from today onwards, this blog will be filled with the stories of love. love between humankind.